Registration for PASC18 is closed.

Deadline for registration was June 15, 2018.

The registration fee includes:

  • Entrance to 3 full days of conference
  • Access to all program sessions: keynote presentations, panel discussions, paper presentations, minisymposia and poster sessions
  • Access to the exhibition area
  • Daily lunches and coffee breaks
  • Poster reception
  • Conference materials

Please note that all conference contributors are required to register and are subject to the corresponding registration fee.

Registration rates

  Regular registration
Unwaged 300.00 CHF
Academic rate for bachelor's and master's students 300.00 CHF
Academic rate for PhD students 350.00 CHF
Academic rate for postdocs 400.00 CHF
Academic rate for professors and research group leaders 550.00 CHF
Academic rate for technical and administrative staff 550.00 CHF
Corporate rate 550.00 CHF



Please note that registration fees cannot be refunded.